At the beginning of a Turkish movie "Sevimli Tehlikeli", a small girl refuses to accept a narration as a Story if the narration doesn't start with "Once upon a time". So here it goes...
Once upon a time, I was born in Hyderabad, the emerging capital of Indian cinema, to a family that has love-hate relationship with cinema. Love for the art form; Hate for the business and culture of it. So for the love of it, my mom sent me to music classes; father sent me to dance classes; and now I do theatre and cinema.
And because of the hate, everyone ensured that I studied well.
Long story short, I studied Mechanical Engineering at NITK Surathkal and Public Policy with the UPSC exam.
I developed interest in using technology for public problems.
I'm happy that I found opportunities in using data technologies to solve problems in Urbanisation, Flood management, Air pollution and Social science research in general.
I've travelled wide ideologically -- from Right wing to the Left. I learned that no one is perfect, which seems very obvious now. I stopped taking ideological stances and try to maintain an independent thought - People from all ideologies do give me material in that regard.
I'm an existentialist. I believe that life has no god-given purpose or meaning. Individuals should create their own meaning, which might appear meaningless to others. If money is the measure of value, freedom is the measure of life. I try to maximise freedom for a better life and most of my decisions reflect this.
If you're still keen to know more about me, I asked myself a lot of questions -- QnA
I write letters every week.
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Or you can write to me at saikrishnadammalapati@gmail.com